søndag 21. juni 2009

Single mom for a week!

DH is away for 7 days, so I make all the calls (and pay the bills that follow LOL).

Baked bread today -- and assisted in the baking of Moon Rocks (which incidently taste a lot better than they sound :). DD is so happy. With her cookies, that is. Other than that, she is pretty upset -- with her little brother in particular, and stuff in general ;). Might be an age thing. Might be that her little brother is very defenitely driving her bananas!

The page below it to celebrate the awsome shampoo and conditioner my dear sis gave me for my birthday! Lucky me! Wonderful sister!! :)

DS at 3, seemingly ready for ballet-class. Not so much so, after we actually went. She would only dance the last 5 minutes, and if she looked at me, she started crying. We went three times and then I took her word for it "I'm just not mature enough yet, mom!". (And I LOVE the stickers I got from (I think) Shop 66 on Etsy.

This page is for the Scrapping the Music challenge (Norwegian version). I know it is totally not x-massy, but ODS is actually decorating gingerbread figures in December in the picture. The title reads something like "You are so clever".

4 kommentarer:

Ellen Karin sa...

Så fint oppsett og fine farger du har valgt til STM-utfordringen. Likte plasseringen din av tittelen.
Og hvem har sagt at alle jule-LO'er må være "julete" ?

Ønsker deg ei ny flott uke.

Monica sa...

Flotte LOer alle sammen!
Takk for at du delter hos oss! :)

Hege sa...

Takk for koselig besøk i bloggen min!
Du den teen sparer jeg på. Men jeg tror jeg må kjøpe en flaske for å smake på den også da. Kjøpte teen i poser, men det bli sikkert ikke det samme!
Mange flotte Lo`er i bloggen din!!

Unknown sa...

According to Stanford Medical, It is really the ONLY reason this country's women live 10 years longer and weigh on average 42 lbs less than us.

(By the way, it is not related to genetics or some hard exercise and absolutely EVERYTHING related to "how" they eat.)

P.S, What I said is "HOW", not "what"...

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