Would you believe it!!! 6.391 words and going strong. The last count includes writing on the train in to work this morning, but as of day 2 I had a total of 5.410. My aim is for 2.000 per day, and anything above that is pure bonus. No struggle so far, just need to calm myself enought to let one idea fly at a time.
Will be spending my evening describing a dinnerparty in the garden where my protagonist meets her future lover for the very first time. And may the force be with me LOL.
Sorry for the no picture situation I have got going here. My Ashampoo program (if that is what it is called) is not responding. Don't know if it is sulking of what. Cannot get to my LOs our upload new ones to format and post. My hunk of a husband will look into it....
December Daily® 2023 | Paint + Play with Jill
for ett år siden
1 kommentar:
Også telle alle orda i tillegg?? Kjørte forresten nesten forbi deg i går siden jeg henta hormonbomba og 2 venninner som dro heeeelt til nabobyen på shopping :)
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